Spacialle | Oceans & Water

I met Spacialle many years ago on the beautiful beach in Costa Rica. She was returning to the beach after an incredible surf session where I watched her surf waves that I cannot even begin to wish to be able to tackle. The joy and spirit radiating from her face with a smile that reached from ear to ear, I knew this was a person I wanted in my life. As a fellow surfer, I was in awe of this petite but incredibly strong woman who could paddle out into waves that many of the men could not get out in order to get to the line up.

I then got to know this amazing woman and who she is inside. She has been such a strong and passionate friend who will listen when I need an ear and give a hug when I just need a hug. Spacialle absolutely embodies the peace that the ocean and its healing waters can give us, but she also represents the hidden strength and power of Mother Ocean.

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